  RZ-A/23-24 Indira Park Uttam Nagar New Delhi-110059

MIR Spirotel®

MIR Spirotel®

A whole lab in the palm of your hand



  • Touchscreen spirometer
  • Oximeter® 3D pulse oximeter
  • Triaxial accelerometer
  • Diary of Symptoms
  • Spirotel® is an ideal tool for home care and telemedicine
  • Compact and easy to use
  • It is a faithful friend for any patient who needs to be treated at
  • home.




for assessing lung function

The turbine flow meter with plastic mouthpiece is easy to remove for cleaning. It is robust and can be reused, thus ensuring accurate measurements throughout the long life of the product.



Electronic diary

for monitoring home therapy

This feature helps the patient fill out default or custom questionnaires and reports, which can be used to assess his/her health and to communicate with healthcare professionals. The high-resolution backlit touchscreen makes the diary suitable for any type of patient to use.




for measuring blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate

The Oximeter® 3D pulse oximeter is an exclusive MIR patent that correlates SpO2 measurement with triaxial accelerometer functions that detect patient physical activity and body position while desaturation episodes are being recorded: whetever the patient is at rest, walking or sleeping, the results are shown directly on the display.



Triaxial accelerometer

with movement analisys

By measuring physical activity, values such as the distance traveled during a test, VMUs (Vector Mgnitude Units) and body position during sleep can all be estimated.



Comprehensive communication

Transmits data via USB, Bluetooth®, email, FTP

Analytical results from Spirotel® can be sent via the USB cable to any PC, even when the patient is travelling. A software application then extracts the data and sends it to a server.

Spirotel® can also perform short‐range data transmission using the Bluetooth® standard: a safe, practical method involving no complex cabling. It can connect to devices such as mobile phones, tablets, computers and platforms such as the 2Net® Platform from Qualcomm Life.



Integrates the functions of a powerful cellphone

With the GSM / GPRS / EDGE module

The optional integrated GSM/GPRS/EDGE module – an exclusive Spirotel® feature – can send data via Email or via FTP to a web server. In the home, Spirotel® can receive data via Bluetooth® from other devices such as thermometers, scales, glucometers and ECGs and send them to a server via its integrated GSM technology. Measurements and recordings can be uploaded directly to a server via FTP, a service available to the patient and health care professionals, respecting privacy and data protection principles. Spirotel®’s GSM and Bluetooth® technology means it can receive SMS messages with alerts or reconfiguration data directly from healthcare professionals.



Central Unit technical specifications




LCD Backlit Touch screen Display (resolution: 160x80) , with “traffic light” indication.

Power supply


Lithium ion 3.7V, 1100mA rechargeable (battery with 40 hours measurement back-up).

Data transmission:


USB 2.0, (Bluetooth® optional), (GPRS-EDGE optional).



Triaxial ± 2g, 400Hz sampling.



non-volatile flash memory (with capacity for more than 10000 spirometry tests).

Alarms type


multiple alarm settings with automatic switch ON for session reminder.

Reconfigurable data

(alarms, threshold etc)


via sms and secure connection with web-server (with the optional GPRS-EDGE module)

Dimensions and weight


Central unit - 92x88x38mm, 124g.

Removable turbine (reusable) - 89x35mm, 20g.

Battery charger (optional)


100VAC - 240VAC, 50Hz-60Hz.



5VDC, 500mA, micro USB type B.



Spirometer technical specification


Flow sensor:


bi-directional digital turbine.

Flow range



Volume accuracy


±3% o 50mL, whichever is greater.

Flow accuracy


±5% o 200mL/s, whichever is greater.

Dynamic resistance at 12L/s



Temperature sensor type


digital (0-45°C) for BTPS conversion.



Spirometer measured parameters


FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC%, FEV3, FEV3/FVC%, FEV6, FEV1/FEV6%, PEF, FEF25%, FEF50%, FEF75%, FEF25%-75%, FET, Estimated Lung Age, Extr. Vol., FIVC, FIV1, FIV1/FIVC%, PIF, VC, IVC, IC, ERV, FEV1/VC%, VT, VE, Rf, ti, te, ti/t-tot, VT/ti, MVV measured, MVV calculated.



3D Oximeter technical specifications


SpO2 range



SpO2 accuracy


±2% (50-100% SpO2).

Pulse rate range



Heart rate accuracy


±2BPM or 2%, whichever is greater.

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