Sonic HT
The new Sonic HT is
an advanced and complete device for professionals allowing 1/3 MHz
multifrequency ultrasound.
The Sonic HT is
provided with a special ergonomic head capable to generate 1 or 3 MHz frequency
but can also combine both frequencies allowing penetration into different
cellular layers at the same time. Pulsed and continuous emission up to 15 W (3
Provided with a
special device attesting no-coupling and contact between the head and the
patient's skin, with an acoustic and visual signal.
All the functions
are visualized on a large color LCD. In addition to the usual and traditional
keys and buttons, it is possible to adjust every parameter on the touchscreen.
The versatile
Windows CE operating system ensures possible upgrading.
A wide range of
preset protocols with body maps is available for setting most important
therapies into the fields of physical therapy, sports medicine, orthopedics,
vascular and aesthetic medicine.
After a pathology
is chosen, the screen will show the body parts to be treated and the unit will
suggest the parameter values to set.
Free memories for
entering customized protocols.
Technical Features
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