POCKET ECG - 3 channel
- Small size, light-weight and easy to carry
- One-key measurement
- Clear ECG waveform and interpretation of
results on colour dot-matrix TFT 3.5" screen
- Up to 19 types of measurement results
- High capacity built-in memory: 24 hours
records storage and review for single channel waveform and 8 hours record
storage and review for 3-channel waveforms
- Quick measurement: by built-in metal
electrodes, on palm, chest or leg or by external lead wires (needs
optional limb and chest electrodes)
- Data management to review or delete data
records locally or to upload to PC
Methods of ECG measurements: direct or with lead
- Direct on leg
- Direct on chest
- Direct on palm or wrist
- With lead wires, need limb electrodes 33364
- With lead wires, need chest electrodes 33327
Technical Specifications
- Heart rate measuring range: 30 bpm ~ 240 bpm
- Heart rate measuring accuracy: ± 2 bpm or ±2%
whichever is greater
- ECG bandwidth: 0.5 Hz ~ 40 Hz
- Internal noise level: = 30µVp-p
- Display scale: 5.0 mm/mV ±10%
- Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR): = 60 dB
- Waveform sweeping speed: 20 mm/s ±10%
- Input loop current: = 0.1 µA
- Input impedance: = 5 mO
- Power: 4 AA alkaline batteries
- Supply voltage range: 4.4 ~ 6 VDC
- Max average working current: = 160 mA
- Auto power-off: can be adjustable between 1-5
- Low battery indication: 4.4 VDC ±0.2 VDC
- True colour 3.5" TFT display
- Pocket size: 13 x 9.5 x 3.2 cm
- 32 MB memory inside
Standard accessories
- ECG viewer software
- USB cable
- Power transformer
- ECG 4 pins lead wire
- 25 disposable electrodes